html and activity links in TextView

So we need to linkify a TextView.

By linkify, I mean adding links to a TextView. These links could either be html links that link to a webpage, or some url that links to an Activity (launches an activity).


please read the disclaimer
please read the formatting notes

Here it comes the first real widget in this library which by the way I am still unsure about its name or its components' names.

What's this really:

Anyway what is the idea behind this!?

To be able to move each letter,

HorizontalEscape Animation (Android Animation Factory)

ok so this is the first update for the animationfactory project I have created a very nice function called outHorizontal! 

This function will basically work only for textview at least for now (i hope to be able to extend this to other views)
anyway it will cause this nice animation to take place:

I will post a tutorial as soon as I encapsulate this Animation and create a class for it probably tonight.

Cee ya

Click here for Sample Project + Source Code (download) not always as up-to-date as github

Click here for Sample Project + Source Code (github)

Animation Factory

mmm so this is a class I did some time ago
It is still very basic but documented.. There is a sample project with the source and an example Activity.
Try them as I said it is still basic but I will add more and more features because lately I am getting a bit bored.

I will soon release my first android app. so :P I hope it will have good feedback

Anyway for now this AnimationFactory class has some static functions that return an animation
each function is well documented so you can simply use them. The sample activity will help as well.
Basically, for now, the animations encompasses: TranslateAnimation and AlphaAnimation.

So see you later with more animations..
By the way, if you have any special requests especially for widgets, feel free to like the facebook page and post your request there..

Bye (:

Click here for Sample Project + Source Code (download)

Click here for Sample Project + Source Code (github)